Children who need a reading boost
Your child doesn’t have any diagnosed learning problems but still struggles to respond to the standard reading methods. This toolkit will increase their confidence and show quick results, so that your child can catch up with their classmates and actually starts to enjoy reading.
Schools generally teach children with the widely accepted phonics methods, and this is very successful for many children. However we are increasingly contacted by adults whose children are falling behind when learning to read. They don’t respond to the phonics way of learning to read even though they try hard, and this soon results in a lack of concentration and a reluctance to read.
Here at Reading Revival, we don’t profess to be experts in cognitive development, but we do have years of experience of observing children as they learn to read. We can see that children like to learn when they can see that they are making quick progress and we have noticed that some children simply don’t learn to read using the phonics method.
This reading toolkit is different, because it helps children to recognise words quickly, gets them reading books straight away, and uses only a very low key approach to phonics. Children see the benefits of reading and quickly build their confidence. It is a fast paced, exciting process that encourages a love of reading. Not only that, but children often understand phonics better afterwards, because they have seen it in action in the books they have read. Boys seem to prefer reading using this method too because they are usually more impatient to see results when they’re learning!
Simple, fun and effective.
“My daughter was failing to learn to read. I asked Helena to spend 10 minutes or so with her three times a week, and after about five weeks she’s fine – no more reading problems now!” – Mother of Rosie (7), Kent
“My daughter was unable to read at the age of seven. She learned to read in two weeks with Reading Revival. Then the reading books were given to our illiterate home help, who went on to teach herself to read and speak English with them.” – Father of Chloe (7), Gibraltar
“My son started Reading Revival after one year and one term in school. At that point he could read just a few of the flashcard words, but after 10 weeks (which included Christmas when reading was put on hold for two weeks at least) he had read all 12 books. The last book he read aloud confidently to me without me helping him with the new, unfamiliar words in that book. Reading Revival has given him a lot more confidence to read and now he’s reading fluently.” – Mother of Elliott (6), Plymouth
“Abby was unable to read and by the age of seven she was demoralised. After two weeks of 10 or so minutes daily with the Reading Revival method, she ‘cracked the reading code’ and became fluent shortly afterwards. Now, 11 years on she has been accepted to the university she wanted. Thank you for teaching her to read!” – Mother of Abby (18), Whitstable
Buy the parent kit for £49.00 including VAT and delivery
Buy the teacher kit for £79.00 including VAT and delivery